

The sites tab lets you create new sites and view statistics of existing sites. All sites are bound to a single property, but you can have many sites for a given property.

In the screenshot below, this is for the Reseller or Agency property that we configured previously. Typically, you can use Reseller or Agency Property sites to create test sites (restored from previous backups), test new versions of WordPress, etc.

To get started, click on the + Site button:


Create your site by specifying the following settings:

Field Description
Name A useful name for the website
Type The website type and version
Datacenter The datacenter where the website will run
Storage The amount of file storage for the website in gigabytes
Database Storage The amount of database storage for the website in gigabytes
Restore? Restore the site from a previous backup


Once created, you can edit the site and update additional settings. Click on the > icon to view Site details:

Once you are viewing the Site Details, click on the Edit icon to edit the site and update additional settings:

Specify the following settings for the Site you are editing:

Field Description
Name A useful name for the website
Storage The amount of file storage for the website in gigabytes
Database Storage The amount of database (MariaDB) storage for the website in gigabytes
Production Enable production mode for the websites which automatically enables CDN and REDIS cache
Backup Perform periodic (daily) backups of the website and database storage
FileManager Enable FileManager access (http + sftp)
Custom DNS Use custom or self-managed DNS for the site
Domain The domain for the website (if empty, accessible via origin domain directly using
Primary Hostname The primary hostname for the website, if Domain is non-empty. If you want to use the apex domain (e.g., in our example), leave this field empty.
Alias Hostnames Additional hostname(s) for the website, which all redirect to the Primary Hostname value automatically in the users browser.
Advanced Advanced settings for the website (see below for more info)

You will only be able to select a Domain for a domain that is correctly setup in public DNS. If you have not yet configured your registrar info, or it has not been updated yet, you will not be able to select a Domain.

The example above is not exhaustive, and only shows creating a simple test site. For a Production site, you would also probably want to enable Production and Backup toggles, and select a validated Domain from the drop-down so DNS is also automatically configured for you. If you are using DNS services outside of MyWordPress, review the Custom DNS section in the docs.

After saving your site, the platform will update it, setup DNS automatically (if required), setup CDN automatically (if required) and enable REDIS (if required) for caching. You can refresh the site details to see the updated settings:

Advanced Settings

Modifying Advanced Settings is not recommended unless specifically instructed by the MyWordPress team. Modifying these settings may lead to site instability or corruption. MODIFY AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Option Description
PHP OPCache Enabled Enable or disable PHP OPCache (default: disabled)
Sidekick Cache Enabled Enable or disable Sidekick Cache (default: enabled)
Plugin simple-smtp Enabled Enable or disable the simple-smtp plugin for basic site email notifications, managed by MyWordPress (default: enabled)


For a given site, you can reinstall the base files (if supported) by clicking the Reinstall icon. This will reinstall the site software and files, but will not affect the database or any other settings (the site will be temporarily unavailable until the process completes):

The reinstall process does not require a site to be running, and can be used as a recovery mechanism if the site is not accessible or becomes corrupt.


For a given site, you can restart it by clicking the Restart icon. This will restart the site (which will be temporarily unavailable until the process completes):

Next Steps

After creating your first Reseller or Agency site, you can now add new properties for your clients, add new domains, emails, and additional sites.