Apex Domain


Apex Domain is the top-level hostname of a given domain, with only a single period in it separating the domain from the top-level domain (com, net, org, etc.). Every domain has an apex domain associated with it.

For the website https://www.example.com:

  • The hostname is www.example.com
  • The apex domain is example.com
  • The TLD (top-level domain) is com


For hostnames defined in MyWordPress, you can leave the Primary Hostname field empty of a site with an alias of www. This will enable users to access your site by using the apex name like https://example.com, and will automatically redirect users for any aliases you find to that primary hostname: https://www.example.com -> https://example.com without compromising content-caching in the CDN.

Custom DNS

For Custom DNS Sites, you must put the primary hostname as www, and any additional aliases in the other boxes– using Custom DNS with an Apex Domain is not supported. For more information, review the Custom DNS Sites documentation section.